Will We See Rusty the Little White Dog on Shameless Again?

This page is about the US incarnation of Fiona Gallagher. For the UK version, see Fiona Gallagher.

Fiona Gallagher was a central grapheme and in the difficult position of being the oldest Gallagher child. Since she was xvi years old and her mother walked out, Fiona has taken care of her siblings and dysfunctional, alcoholic father, Frank. Despite how stressful and cluttered her life is, Fiona meets every challenge head on. Her siblings and father often turn to her when they get into trouble with the law.

Fiona is a hard worker, willing to accept on even the worst jobs to support the family. Occasionally, she cuts loose and goes out drinking and dancing with her best friend and next door neighbor, Veronica. Although normally level headed, she can make sick-informed choices when she'due south been drinking (and, in Flavor 4, cocaine -- a i-time incident that did not end well).

The struggle between wanting to take intendance of her family and strike out on her own leads to issues for Fiona in subsequently seasons. She begins to come into her own afterward she uses her conclusion and quick wit to make a series of (mostly) successful existent estate ventures.

At the finish of Season 9, Fiona decides to leave and make a fresh showtime somewhere else and departs the show.


  • ane Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Throughout the Seasons
    • 3.one Season ane
    • 3.2 Flavour 2
    • 3.three Season 3
    • 3.4 Season 4
    • 3.5 Season 5
    • three.vi Flavor 6
    • 3.7 Season 7
    • 3.8 Flavour viii
    • iii.nine Flavour 9
    • 3.10 Season 10
  • iv Episode Appearances
    • 4.1 Shameless (US)
      • four.1.1 Season 1
      • four.one.two Flavor 2
      • four.1.3 Season 3
      • 4.1.four Flavour 4
      • 4.i.five Flavour 5
      • 4.i.6 Season 6
      • 4.1.seven Season 7
      • 4.i.8 Season eight
      • 4.one.9 Flavour nine
  • v Behind the Scenes
  • half dozen Gallery
    • 6.ane Pictures
  • 7 Notes
  • 8 References


She has olive skin and night dark-brown eyes. Naturally slim and tall, Fiona wears form plumbing equipment clothes. They are mostly paw-me-downs or "borrowed" from the shop (worn with the tags all the same on). Her pilus is shoulder length in later seasons.


Fiona is a true South Side girl: she'southward scrappy, resourceful, and not afraid to get into a fight. As the sole provider for the Gallaghers, she takes on odd jobs (and demeaning ones, similar sexy waitressing gigs) to provide for what her father'due south welfare checks won't cover. When she isn't juggling the responsibilities of her siblings or dealing with Frank's shenanigans, she's out partying with Veronica and Veronica's husband, Kev.

Other than Lip, Fiona is the nearly reliable of all the Gallaghers (other than the latter half of Season iv). Fiona is almost always there for the people she cares about, and she'southward willing to practise whatever it takes to continue her siblings out of foster care: in her mid-teens, she dropped out of high school to take care of them. She once remarked that she's almost positive she doesn't want kids of her ain since "her siblings are her kids." During Season 9, she sees they take grown up and decides that she needs to continue her path. She leaves her family unit business firm but gives her family a big corporeality of coin to back up themselves.

While Fiona doesn't get along with either of her parents considering of their neglect, she has showed that she does beloved them. She was pleased by Frank bonding with the family while he was getting sober, genuinely comforted Frank afterwards he was insulted by his mother Peggy Gallagher and understood why he is the mode he is. She later on told an bilious Frank in flavour iii, that she does beloved him and was but tired of him not showing care for the family, likewise every bit admitting her fearfulness was that he didn't care for them. She was besides shocked to learn that he had a third daughter and never told her, equally she believed she had him figured out. She tearfully confronted her mother on her frequent leaving the family and told her she just wanted to be loved. She thanked her female parent for giving Liam back. After her arrest in Flavor 4, she has learned that she couldn't arraign them for her faults and must accept responsibleness. Even though Frank ruined her wedding and she kicked him out, Fiona revealed to Veronica that she appreciated his acts since he saved her from a potential failed marriage and slowly forgave her begetter. This was seen when she allow him stay in the quondam apartment and tried to comfort Frank after Monica's death, after seeing him devastated. She too stated she took intendance of him afterward he neglected the family with Monica'south first departure. She tin be surprised when he shows genuine love, every bit seen when Frank apologized to her for all he has done when changing in Season 8 and acted on his new ways past defending the family from a meth head and she thanked him for doing so. Even after he barbarous back into his old ways, she shows him more patience and doesn't seem bothered by him anymore, like in the past. She also ran a business with him in her depression and they worked well together. Fiona as well seemed to take her male parent's words virtually her excessive drinking into consideration. She even stood by him when he injured himself at her erstwhile building and only left once his safety was guaranteed. When preparing to get out the house, she shared one concluding moment with him and took his gratitude for caring for the family in pace and smiled at her begetter afterwards seeing he was holding back tears, causing her to know this was his mode of wishing her well and they parted on adept terms.

Fiona, like her siblings, struggles with an unstable cocky-esteem. She's curt-tempered due to stress, ofttimes so tired and overworked that she neglects to brush her pilus or get adequate slumber. She hides her more sensitive side underneath her tough, confident exterior; it's difficult for her to ask for assist. Throughout the series, she has several emotional breakdowns in private.

Once her siblings mature, Fiona finally begins thinking about her ain future. A good example is when she started working hard to better her life in Season vii and told her family they must fend for themselves.

Fiona's tumultuous childhood left her with self-esteem and abandonment bug, leading her to make impulsive choices and autumn for men who are sometimes bad news. She spontaneously gets married to Gus Pfender (later less than a week of dating), pursues an on-once again off-over again "relationship" with Steve/Jimmy Lishman (a con creative person and a automobile thief who is too married at one point), and sabotages a salubrious human relationship with her boss, Mike Pratt, by sleeping with his coke-fond brother, Robbie Pratt. Fiona about marries a drug addicted Sean Pierce but her male parent ruins the hymeneals past telling her of his exploits. Subsequently the failed wedding, she tries out Tinder in Flavour 8, and she enjoys how easy meaningless sex is compared to her intense, brusk-lived relationships until she realizes she needs something existent. Every bit of the Season 8, she is attracted to Ford, an Irish carpenter (and role-time sperm donor). Ford is the most grounded, sensible partner Fiona has met. At get-go, he rebuffed her and they start tedious with hanging out before they begin to date. It was Ford who helped her run into that she won't ever be able to help her siblings, and she needed to let them grow on their own. Once she learned Ford was married and using her as an affair, she was devastated by this since she called him her boyfriend.

Afterwards her break-up with Ford, she cruel into a drunk slump and constantly drank or lazed around the house. This led to concern from her siblings who took over for her in running the house as Fiona was no longer capable. Fiona'southward mannerisms hit a major low, every bit she lost her job, nearly got kicked out past Lip for getting his sponsee Jason drunkard, inadvertently causing him to accept a drug relapse, and assaulted a woman for harassing Liam. Afterwards Frank told her to finish drinking considering of her uncontrollable nature. At the cease, she woke upward passed out next to her father and realized she was nigh like him, which caused her to reevaluate her standing past attending AA meetings and getting a new job. Fiona striking a break when learning she earned a big sum of money from a previous investment. She decided to make a start for herself elsewhere merely not earlier leaving her family unit money. Yet Fiona unfortunately left Debbie in accuse of the coin, bold her sis would be responsible enough with it due to her intelligence, merely this unfortunately turned out to exist misplaced faith as Debbie causeless she also got control of the house too and began making poor choices like ownership designer wearing apparel for herself and using their siblings actual social security numbers for credit cards when Frank had already used their names to become credit cards and put them in heavy debt. Fiona clearly overestimated Debbie's competence and it's possible that Fiona still held a grudge against Lip, which was why she didn't choose him even though he would accept been a much better pick in managing the family'due south coin. Fiona also ignored the fact that she was yet the legal guardian of both Liam and Carl (at the fourth dimension since he was yet 17).

Throughout the Seasons

Season i

In the pilot, Fiona is the care taker of the Gallagher family, taking over for her absent mother, Monica Gallagher, and her narcissistic, alcoholic father, Frank. Fiona ensures her siblings are fed, clothed, in school, and out of trouble. (Their father is often passed out on the kitchen floor, too drunk to take care of them.) She struggles to barely make ends meet by taking on odd jobs, and more than once we see her searching for spare change throughout the house. Fiona goes to a club in downtown Chicago with Veronica. Steve is admiring Fiona when he sees her purse go stolen; he pursues the thief and, although he doesn't take hold of the man, he earns her respect. They get back to her business firm and have sex on the kitchen floor. Tony, a neighborhood cop who has known the Gallaghers for years, also has an eye on Fiona. He asks out Fiona and they sleep together on the commencement date. After, she decides that conscientious, conservative Tony isn't her type, so she decides to keep seeing Steve, who entices her with his double life as a car thief.

She looks really hard to detect her begetter when he'south missing in Canada in episode two, "Frank the Plank". She is also aroused to learn it was Steve who sent him away and scolds him for it. After his return, she talked to him and warned him to never hit another of "her" kids before he moved out.

In "Aunt Ginger", she is surprised by a bureau inspector asking about her cracking aunt Ginger Gallagher and tells them she is at a retirement home. Fiona finds her father and tells him about this. Frank later tells the family Ginger really died twelve years ago. Fiona and Frank borrowed a senile adult female, from Veronica'southward nursing home and have her pose as Ginger. Later everything is settled, Fiona tells Debbie who cared for the sometime woman that they can visit Ginger'southward grave. However, she is shocked to learn Frank buried her in the lawn.

Post-obit Ginger's render to the nursing domicile, Debbie steals fiddling Casey Casden, a neighborhood boy. Fiona is horrified past her sister'due south human action and learns she took information technology after witnessing his father playing with him and his sister in their yard and got jealous. Fiona explains this to her brother and they piece of work to return him to his home through a advisedly devised plan to return him so nobody gets in trouble. Fiona is pleased Debbie gained money from the incident after being held a hero and bought a office water heater.

In Frank Gallagher: Loving Husband, Devoted Father, she is surprised to meet her begetter's friend Kermit. She is a principal pawn in the planning of Frank'southward false funeral to outrun two men whom he owes $half-dozen,000, which is done successfully.

Next, in "Information technology'south Time to Kill the Turtle", Fiona works odd jobs and is surprised her father and Debbie come home from a sugar rush after Frank decided to become sober. Frank reveals he needs to stay sober to escape his need for alcohol in order to get $three,000 in a medical study. Fiona is confused by this merely loves the new sober Frank, with whom she bonds with and has fun forth with her family and friends. She is surprised at this change, though Lip states he did this before and won't stop for coin. Nevertheless, Fiona is very pleased when Frank plays the piano, does work around the house, cooks, and tells stories. Nevertheless, Lip advised Fiona, Debbie, and Carl to "enjoy the moment while it lasts." Later on, after working she comes home crying from a long solar day. Eventually, she questions her blood brother on his sour attitude to their father in this good time and he explains Frank once got sober and went to his niggling league game and expressed pride in him. Lip ends it by stating that he didn't know it wouldn't last after Fiona inquired on it. When Frank's soberness gets too much, Debbie encourages Lip and Fiona to "kill the turtle" every bit she put it, a misunderstanding to the reference that Lip had made well-nigh Frank previously. She decides to end his attempt at staying sober afterwards he plans to slam holes in the roof through the cranium for skylights with Carl. At the end, Steve comes over to observe a drunk and bitter Frank with the children sitting effectually satisfied.

In "Killer Carl," Fiona scrambles to prove to Carl's schoolhouse that he won't get a runaway. Fiona is constantly trying to go on her siblings out of trouble, especially Carl. When Carl is almost taken away until Steve shows up and poses as Fiona'southward married man, ensuring the principal that Carl is in good easily. Although Steve constantly helps Fiona with the kids and her problems, she worries he's "distracting" her from her responsibilities; she can't stand it when he buys her expensive things or gives her money. She is afterwards relieved when Carl protects Lip from a bully by hitting him with a bat.

In "But at Last Came a Knock", Monica unexpectedly comes dorsum and plays the loving female parent card. We become the impression that Monica is bipolar and has abandoned the family countless times. Monica's overbearing partner, Roberta ("Bob"), demands that they hand over Liam. Fiona, enraged and hurt, calls Monica out on her bullshit and criticizes her for trying to accept abroad the son she wasn't there to raise. Monica refuses to compromise, and then Fiona moves into the house next door with Steve, who bought the property.

Ultimately in Nana Gallagher Had an Thing, she protests to Veronica on the issue and starts making plans to take away her parents' rights to the kids. Still, she is after intimidated to end by Frank who wants his settlement and threatens Fiona to stay out of it. She afterward ends upwardly moving dorsum into the Gallagher domicile and starts to affirm her place. She, Lip, and Debbie accept Carl to the infirmary to go his arm treated while besides telling Frank that Liam is his son afterwards all and orders him not to sign his rights of the children to Monica. Fiona is nowadays at the dinner, where she learns Ian is not Frank's son merely she assures Debbie that they are all the same family. She is shocked to larn Ian is the child of one of Frank'due south brothers, making him both her brother and cousin. Fiona clarifies to her younger siblings, they have three uncles. She soon lashes out at Monica for trying to make a family with Bob after leaving her old one backside.

At the end of the season, Steve has to get out the country afterwards he is threatened past Tony, who has figured out that Steve is a con homo. Steve begs Fiona to go with him. The end of Flavor 1 shows Fiona almost to get on the subway to the airport, but turning dorsum because her eye is with her family. She accepts a job offering she received from her reckless, sensual friend, Jasmine, who she met in "Daddyz Girl." The endmost scene shows Fiona sitting in Jasmine's role, looking sad just hopeful for the future.

Season two

Fiona runs a summer daycare in the Gallagher home to raise coin for their "squirrel fund." Debbie does most of the child rearing when Fiona is at her twenty-four hour period job. Fiona continues to hang out with Jasmine at the club; Jasmine is married with children, but she parties with rich older men. A banker from JPMorgan (who, by no coincidence, looks somewhat like Steve) pursues Fiona, but she doesn't experience a connection.

While riding the L Train, Fiona finds a pocketbook containing $500. A man sitting nearby warns her not to get out "her" purse unattended, which emboldens Fiona to steal the bag. She uses the coin to buy groceries, just she feels guilty and decides to return the purse to its owner, Kim. Lip warns her non to give the bag back without getting a greenbacks reward. Kim asks if Fiona wants a reward, merely rescinds the offer when she realizes the purse is empty. Fiona claims she found the purse that manner, though she feels even worse when she realizes Kim also has a house full of kids. When she goes back to return the coin, Kim is hostile: she accuses Fiona of existence a dirty thief, and Fiona calls her white trash.

Steve comes back in her life in "Father'south Day," but Fiona is more shocked than relieved.

In Can I Have a Mother, Fiona is sleeping before she is told past Debbie of their grandmother Peggy Gallagher beingness released and making herself at abode equally the new caput of the family. She takes her new swain and goes on a double engagement with Steve and his girlfriend. She also learns that he'due south in a staged marriage to a adult female named Estefania, who only speaks Portuguese. She has a moment to herself simply ends up making out with Steve though stops before it gets out of hand. All the same, her beau figured out what happened and left. At a political party Sheila throws for Karen, she is awkward around Steve and tries to avoid. She is also worried when her grandma argues with Sheila and tries to have her male parent stop information technology but he tells her to stay out of it. Fiona is horrified when Peggy nearly shoots Sheila but Tony stops the constabulary from absorbing Peggy. After the party, Debbie tells Fiona that Steve's real name is Jimmy. She is surprised to larn this and leaves an angry voicemail while calling him by his proper name. She soon talks with her grandmother and gives her money to set up things up, while offer more time to acquire more about each other since they missed out during her incarceration when Fiona was eleven. After on, Fiona overhears her father being dominated by his mother. She finds her father on the porch, where she empathizes with her father after realizing what he went through every bit a child and seeing he was no different from her and her siblings. She comforts him and shares a beer with him as they bond over bad parents while he takes her words with a grinning.

Dissimilar Frank, she likes her grandmother beingness over in a A Bottle of Jean Nate and watches him take care of her. She attends a party thrown past Jasmine and find Jimmy is in that location and she is however self-witting about her previous knowledge from Debbie. Fiona is soon kissed past Jasmine who shows an interest across existence friends, while Fiona leaves out of awkwardness just states she'll run across her later. Very soon, she discovers Peggy's activities in the basement and is worried when Carl is near caught in a meth lab explosion. Fiona realizes Frank was right and finds him at the Excuse where she starts to plot with him to kick Peggy out simply discovers she is dying of cancer. Fiona also ends her friendship with Jasmine Hollander.

It was seen in Parenthood, that every bit a result of her act, Fiona kicked Peggy out and she goes to live with Frank and Sheila while Fiona prohibits her younger siblings from seeing her.

Fiona sleeps with her high school beat, Craig, in "I'll Light a Candle for You Every Day." Craig is a laughably bad lover: he has sexual activity with Fiona in the backseat of his van, which is filled with muddy diapers, and makes strange noises the entire time. In the following episode, his married woman, Lucy Joe Heisner, confronts Fiona about the affair with a baseball bat in manus. Fiona and Debbie are shopping when Lucy drives by, bombs Fiona with a chocolate milkshake, and calls her a slut. Debbie asks Fiona if she knew Craig was married. Fiona looks at her ruined dress and replies, "at to the lowest degree it's chocolate." Later, Craig shows upwards with Lucy request for their forgiveness and God'south grace; Fiona cries in the bathroom, feeling humiliated and lonely.

Season three

In "May I Trim Your Hedges?" Fiona takes a cashier job at the grocery store, even though the managing director bothers her about how much she likes "deli meats" -- i.due east., propositioning her to blow him. Veronica catches him harassing her on a "titty cam" during an interview; Fiona threatens to expose him unless he gives her the chore, and he agrees.

In "Cascading Failures", Fiona quits afterwards requesting a day off last minute to bank check on her siblings, who were placed in foster intendance due to Frank calling CPS in revenge. Fiona hounds a social worker to figure out where her siblings were placed. The social worker gets upward to utilize the bathroom, hinting that Fiona can heed to the audio file of the man who called CPS; she is quietly enraged to discover it was Frank.

Fiona fights for custody of her siblings in "A Long Manner From Home." The judge at the hearing decides that Frank tin still retain parental rights, merely Fiona is granted legal guardianship. Fiona bans Frank from the house. Despite this, he shows upwardly later on everything goes wrong when he holds a imitation funeral for their long expressionless Aunt Ginger (in nonetheless another cash scheme). Patrick, their cousin, forges a will that declares he has ownership of the Gallagher domicile, and Fiona rushes to trounce him at his own game. At the end of "When At that place'due south a Will", Debbie tricks Patrick into molesting her, and he's arrested. Fiona proposes $500 a calendar month in rent, no deposit, and a 50 yr charter, and Patrick relents.

Fiona gets a temporary sales job under Mike Pratt. With the house secure and money coming in, everything is going well until Jimmy decides to return to medical schoolhouse, since he can't cope with his barista job. In "Ceremonious Wrongs" Jimmy claims he needs to finish his degree in Michigan and then he won't lose his credits. He explains that "he needs a modify", and Fiona becomes upset when he says that existence apart for a twelvemonth doesn't matter. Jimmy meets with Estefania's begetter, who informs him that his daughter was deported considering of Jimmy's negligence.

In "Club Room Service", Fiona and the kids go camping with Mike, and Fiona surprises Mike when she kisses him. They're nigh to accept sex when she breaks down about Jimmy. Later that night, Jimmy is forced onto a boat by Estefania's father, presumably to leave the state with her. The next morning, Fiona calls Jimmy and leaves a message stating she loves him and forgives him for not wanting to take the kids to Michigan.

As the flavor wraps upwards, Fiona continues to leave messages for Jimmy. In the season finale, "Survival of the Fittest", Fiona argues with Mike that she deserves to stay with the company; Mike refuses and lets her go. When she picks up Lip at the infirmary -- where he stayed overnight with a drunken Frank, whose liver is failing. She confronts her father and tells him she wished him dead for years just tells him that she does love him and but wants him to evidence love to the family. Fiona throws Lip a surprise party for his high school graduation; afterwards, Debbie asks what happened to Jimmy, and Fiona says he'southward gone for good.

Shortly subsequently the party, Mike has a change of heart and hires Fiona for a permanent sales position. The audience terminal sees her standing in the snow, calling Jimmy and proverb, "wherever you lot are, adieu."

Flavour 4

Fiona starts dating Mike, Mike openly admits that he has trust bug due to his destructive ex, Eve.

In "My Oldest Daughter", she moves upward with her job and gets her younger siblings medical attending. After an angry man bashes in the visitor motorcar'south windshield, Fiona claims that a falling tree bankrupt the glass. Mike finds out and they have an argument near Fiona lying, but they make upwardly and move on. Fiona refused to be a liver donor for her male parent after he and Carl beg her to do so, stating this was his ain error as Frank tells a depressed Carl that he'll become to his other girl for assist. Fiona states Debbie is too young for surgery, as Frank tells her that he was referring to his oldest daughter Samantha, who he will go to for help. The news of some other sibling surprises Fiona and she is left in stupor as her father glares at her for not helping him.

In "Like Male parent, Similar Daughter", Fiona continues seeing Mike and complains nigh her discovery of her father's new child and being angered he withheld that. Mike comforts her and tells her of his plans to have dinner with Mike'south blood brother, Robbie Pratt. Things look skilful, though Mike gets boozer and she ends up having sex activity on the kitchen counter of Mike's apartment while Mike is passed out. Robbie claims he is three years sober, but admits to Fiona that he still struggles with cocaine; he's "fond to the rush of life." He taunts Fiona by pointing out that she is also an addict, someone who craves chaos and tin't stand an average, overnice guy like Mike.

Afterwards a falling out with their begetter in "There's the Rub", Robbie tells Mike nearly the thing, prompting Mike to dump Fiona. The episode ends with Robbie giving Fiona a baggie of coke for her birthday.

Fiona snorts a few lines and parties with Kev, Veronica, and the family, simply the celebration ends with Liam accidentally ingesting the coke and going to the ER. The police abort Fiona at the hospital, and her bail is set at $100,000.

After spending several humiliating days in prison, Carl called Mike who posts her bail and drives her domicile, stating that they can never see each other again. Fiona's lawyer encourages her to plead guilty, which makes her a felon merely rewards her with probation. Being under house abort and apathy from Lip makes Fiona depressed and stir-crazy. She watches as Lip takes care of the family and meets her older sister Sammi and nephew Chuckie, who she is surprised to meet.

After a wild night with Robbie and his friends, Fiona violates her probation and ends up stranded in a neighboring city. Lip picks her upwardly and comforts her for the first fourth dimension.

When Robbie arrives at the Gallagher Household to sincerely repent to Fiona, who is outraged to see him and slams the door in his face. Robbie wasn't surprised by this reaction and walks away, feeling guilty.

In the flavor finale, "Lazarus," a estimate sends Fiona to a women's correctional facility for ninety days; she's released only a few days after when she passes her drug test. She lands a job at Patsy's Pies, thanks to her parole officer.

Season v

Fiona is now working at Patsy's. She is finally finding a balance in her life: she has a steady chore and is relatively happy again. She has a crush on her older dominate, Sean, and they flirt daily on the job. Fiona is on house arrest for a few months but after she pays her time, she gets the talocrural joint bracelet off.

After swearing off men for several months, Fiona decides to go out with a hot musician who asks her out at the diner. When she shows upwards for the date, she finds out that the hot musician actually has a girlfriend. Fueled with acrimony, she makes out with his friend, Gus. They finish up hitting information technology off and take a steamy one week relationship before impulsively deciding to go married.

Fiona and Gus have an intimate wedding at city hall, but Fiona decides to keep the marriage a secret for the start few days considering she is withal unsure if it was the right conclusion to marry someone she barely knows.

Out of the blue, Jimmy shows support in Fiona's life once again. He professes his love for her and tries to win her back, afterwards he left her for years. Fiona caves and ends up sleeping with Jimmy. She tells Gus about sleeping with her ex, which of course blows up in her face. Fiona tells Jimmy that it'due south over - forever.

She tries to patch things up with Gus, merely her poor decisions over the course of their brief marriage cause his bandmate to tell her it's all-time to go out Gus because he's too nice for her.

Deep down, Fiona knows that her feelings for her boss, Sean, are turning into beloved every bit she spends more than time with him.

Season six

Fiona gets a promotion at Patsy's Pies to Assistant Managing director, afterwards Sean pushes her to accept the job. Fiona accepts it, fifty-fifty though the pay is worse considering she won't get tips. She struggles with managing the wait staff. She is also sleeping with Sean while married to Gus.

Fiona finds out that Debbie is significant and Fiona strongly urges, or demands, that Debbie become an abortion. Fiona adamantly does not want to raise another baby in the house, and she and Debbie fight throughout the season. All of a sudden, Fiona finds out that she herself is meaning with either Gus, Sean or Jimmy's baby. The hormones affect her emotional state simply she ultimately decides, with no hesitation, that she wants to abort the babe.

The Gallaghers receive an eviction observe on their house because Patrick took out a loan that he never intended to pay back. Fiona and then has to go a mortgage from the bank to bid on the firm at an sale. She loses her bid to another family, so the Gallaghers move everything out of the firm and disperse. Fiona moves in briefly with Sean and tries to connect with his son, but the son is not open to having a new mom.

The family unit that bought the house find what bad shape the house is in, which gives Fiona the opportunity to buy the firm back from them. The Gallaghers get to motion back in. Sean decides to go far official and move in with Fiona.

Fiona as well officially gets a divorce from Gus, which gives Sean the opportunity to advise. They decide to have a wedding, white dress and all, which Frank insists on paying for. When Fiona tells Frank he tin't walk her downwards the aisle, he ruins the hymeneals and tells Fiona that he saw Sean doing drugs (fifty-fifty though he is a recovering drug aficionado). Fiona's heart is broken and the hymeneals is off.

Season seven

In Hiraeth, Sean is completely out of Fiona's life, fifty-fifty at Patsy's Pies, which Fiona is left to run past herself. The owner of Patsy's gives Fiona full responsibility, which leads Fiona to rent the flaky wait staff that Sean hired. She hires new girls and tries to revamp the diner completely- having themed nights, opening the diner for 24 hours, giving the waitresses new uniforms, and fifty-fifty creating a nightly speakeasy where people can secretly drinkable out of mugs. The diner starts making a bigger turn a profit from Fiona'due south efforts, which gives her a sense of pride and confidence in her future power to run a business. Fiona too keeps Frank from the business firm after he is revealed to exist dorsum. Like her siblings, she wants nil to do with him only is somewhat thankful he ruined the wedding when talking to Veronica since she labeled Sean a loser.

In Swipe, Fuck, Go out, she is pleased Frank disowns them since it was already a shame and gives him his stuff as she planned to take back her room. Fiona is afterwards promoted to manager at Patsy'due south since Sean left and accepts the new responsibility. She likewise decides not to make it relationship and experiments with Tinder, since her past relationships haven't worked out. She has frequent one night stands instead. That night, she goes out with her coworkers and Lip while learning of Tinder. She later comes home to notice Carl resting and asks most his pain from his circumcision and he tells her that he'southward alright. When she tells him she's going upstairs, he told her she can't equally he previously found the walls were blocked with cement, courtesy of Frank getting revenge on his children for trying to kill him and kicking him out. Fiona was not pleased by her father'southward act, especially since they had to sleep in the den. She is likewise angry at Frank barricading himself upstairs and torturing her siblings with a raccoon. Eventually, she and her siblings gathered supplies and worked to destroy the wall.

During Home Sugariness Homeless Shelter, she is not too pleased when Lip makes snarky remarks on his time to come or when Debbie is arrested and she has to bond her out. Later on, she puts pressure level on her siblings by telling them each of them (except Liam) will have to earn their go along and that she will not bail them out of a crisis and they volition depend on each other. She is as well not happy when Veronica shows them that Frank has opened a homeless shelter in a empty house not far from their home. Fiona remarks on her father's choice, stating her family has taken begging to a new height simply is surprised by Veronica'southward own family unit drama. Fiona before long watches her siblings protestation Frank's option but he tells her along with his other children to leave him lone since they take shown him how they feel (throwing him off a bridge, insulting him, and kicking him out) and sends them off.

Fiona finds out the Wendell's, the laundromat across the street from Patsy'south Pies, is upwardly for sale. The owner of Patsy'due south tells her that the only way to really brand money is to own property. Fiona decides to take out a loan and purchase the laundromat. She struggles to brand a profit, but with the help of Kev, Frank and the Excuse regulars, Fiona whips the place into shape and completely revamps it. Fiona besides forgives her father and lets him take care of the senile owner Etta past letting him stay with her in the apartment above the laundromat.

Fiona receives an offering to sell the laundromat and ultimately Fiona accepts, making a 100% turn a profit later much negotiation. Fiona decides that buying and flipping property might exist her new future.

Near the stop of the season, Fiona buys an apartment edifice from a contact she met at a networking event.

The season also ends with the render of Fiona's mother, Monica. Fiona curses her mother for leaving her every bit a kid and making her pick up her slack in raising the family unit. Fiona soon learns that Monica is dying and that she wants to atone for her deportment.

When Monica dies in Requiem For a Slut, Fiona is resistant to shedding a tear for the adult female who abandoned her as a child while the other Gallaghers mourn Monica. Fiona also sees how heartbroken her father is and genuinely tries to comfort him but he ignores her and leaves with a distressing look. Fiona is against the idea of her family selling the meth that Monica left backside and they would listen to their father of selling it. Later on, she calls her estranged grandfather Bill Darrgen and watches him fight Frank. She tells Bill that she wanted to cremate Monica but he decides to pay for the funeral services and bury her. Before the funeral, Fiona places the meth that Monica gave her and Liam in the casket and curses her by calling her mom for the last time and striking her corpse. She speaks at the service and talks about her mother until watching Frank speak and seems moved by his words of Monica and the children.

Afterwards, she returns home with her family unit and watches her male parent trip the light fantastic around while remarking to Ian that he truly loved Monica and noted that she probably didn't want to believe it. She soon dances with Frank and lets him atomic number 82 her, with them truly making amends.

Flavour 8

After her mother's funeral, Fiona has her easily full with the new apartment edifice, which occupies virtually all her focus in the Flavor. Fiona is more concerned with her own success than she is with whatever personal issues or responsibilities. She expects her family to, for the most part, look after themselves while she tends to her own business organisation. Her friends and family believe buying the identify was a mistake, and that she will not be able to make a profit, simply she is adamant to make information technology work. Unlike the laundromat, she had the place inspected beforehand, and so she knows the building is in skilful shape and that it merely needs renovations.

She spends more fourth dimension than usual with Debbie considering her metalworking skills proving useful in repairs while she handles the residue. In many respects, Fiona strives to be more independent and successful in this season. Fiona is after put off by the alter in her begetter when he apologizes to her for what he has done to her. She is confused and is told past her family that he may have lost his heed afterwards doing meth.

Fiona'southward spirits are uplifted when she leases her showtime apartment for double the amount she expected, but she encounters more problems as the season progresses. Her first challenge is the tenants, she befriends Nessa Chabon and her girlfriend Mel, who are current tenants. The other tenants all crusade problems for Fiona, and she chop-chop evicts a large family that outwardly disrespects her. This apartment is later leased to a fellow who lives alone and only chose to lease because utilities are included and he has several computers.

In God Anoint Her Rotting Soul, while fixing upward her apartment edifice, she goes to the hardware store where her father works and it is here he requests to be chosen Francis or Dad. Fiona ignores this and goes about getting tools since he denied her a family discount. Afterward, her siblings come to her for help after they are attacked by thugs led past a man named Eric Stark who owned some of the meth and threaten the family for his money. She has her siblings repent for not listening to her and all except Carl do so. Afterward she decides to help, Liam and Frank (who had experienced guilt) get in and he also volunteers to assist and she has him employ his chore to go tools for them. Fiona and her family are forced to dig up Monica, since Fiona put her share of meth in the ground with her. They arrive at the storage unit of measurement and pay Eric, only the payment is still not enough and he threatens them at gunpoint, as Fiona rapidly guards her family. Fortunately, Frank steps in and Fiona watches as he successfully threatens Eric to accept the payment or exist faced with expiry if he always comes about the family unit again as Fiona is surprised by her father's actions, seeing that his change is real. After Frank leads anybody out of the area, she chop-chop leaves with them. She thanks and congratulates Frank on his first stride of change past calling him Francis, as he requested and he takes it with a smiling. Afterward, she puts Mel in her place by threatening her.

Eventually in Fuck Paying It Forward, Fiona meets her ex-fiancé Sean again and he is now sober. Sean comes to make amends while Fiona is conflicted in the meeting but receives a shock after Sean is revealed to have gotten married and came simply to pay her dorsum for the wedding. Fiona presently embarrasses herself after trying to tell his new wife of Sean's by but gets the wrong woman and Sean is left oblivious to her actions.

In The (Mis)Educational activity of Liam Fergus Beircheart Gallagher, Fiona is obsessed with making the area marketable for new tenants. She learns that a church downwardly the route from her edifice will soon exist leased as a homeless shelter, and Fiona chooses to intervene. She after finds out the shelter was for her brother Ian and his boyfriend Trevor. Though Fiona feels bad for cut them off, she does not repent for trying to exist successful, which causes a conflict between her and Ian. Even so, this issue is chop-chop resolved when Fiona convinces 1 of her connections to charter a new shelter to Ian and Trevor cheap.

I of Fiona's older tenants named Mrs. Central dies, opening up her flat for charter. The apartment had been lived in for years, and it takes time to clean and restore it. Mrs. Primal's dog had eaten the flesh on the old adult female's arm and was supposed to be put downward, but Fiona saved it and kept information technology as her pet. Fiona begins dating a handyman named Ford, who helps her restore the doors and floor in the vacant apartment. Fiona originally planned to lease the aparment to brand more money, but she finds herself living in it because the Gallagher house is besides crowded.

Fiona has some roof work washed with a local contractor who fixes it at a deal price, but one of his workers, Rodney Latham, falls off the roof and shatters his ankle. Fiona discovers Rodney lives in his car with his wife and two kids. Fiona contacts Trevor to set up upwardly accommodations for them in a family shelter, and allows them to move into the vacant flat for 2 days until their room is set up at the shelter. Rodney and his family immediately have advantage. They move in, change the locks, and stop answering the door.

With Ford'south help, Fiona cuts them off from all utilities, but they remain in the house and serve Fiona papers for a 6 1000000 dollar injury lawsuit for the injury sustained on her property. In the season finale, Fiona uses a fume bomb to gas them out of the building. While outside, Fiona offers Rodney 4,000 dollars cash to leave and never come up back. They refuse at first, but Fiona convinces Rodney to accept the offering, and put in writing that he drops the lawsuit and that he will leave.

Flavor 9

Fiona continues to work in her apartment and continues her romance with Ford and the latter fifty-fifty gives her communication in concern, something that impresses her and aids in her. Ford's intelligence oft leads Fiona to question him and she gets no answer. Very shortly, she confronts Ford on this and tells him he doesn't know anything near as she does of him. Ford reveals his knowledge of her life in detail, stating he had done some inquiry and is impressed with her and decides to open up to her.

After Ford shows that he might desire a relationship, as he gets jealous of her meeting with a existent manor agent and denying jealously. V comments on this besides and Fiona begins to consider information technology.

Fiona also bonds with her brother Liam after he is kicked out of private school because of Frank's indiscretions. Fiona takes Liam out with her and he is able to help her with marketing because of his knowledge in school as she takes his advice. Fiona afterward enrolls her brother into public school.

As Ian prepares to go to prison for two years, Fiona makes a $100,000 investment that she can't back out of, though she tries to. This puts a strain on her human relationship with Ford and leaves her scrambling to observe a fashion to raise some other $25,000, causing her to briefly consider stealing money from the eating place and trying and failing to take out another loan. To chemical compound matters even further, after a nighttime of drinking, Fiona discovers that Ford has a wife and kid. Ford claims that he and his wife are separated and getting a divorce and are only nevertheless living together for the sake of their kid. In hysterical tears, a drunk Fiona drives away, causing her to crash into a parked car. Completely devastated past the turn of events her life has taken, Fiona runs off and doesn't show up for when Ian goes to jail, forcing Kevin to drive him.

Fiona returns to her apartment where she ignores calls from Max Whitiford and her family. This forces Debbie to go to her flat and observe the bruised Fiona who informs her of her situation with Ford and her debts. Fiona is depressed when she is told of missing Ian's departure before she gets her arm treated only this withal isn't enough since she has no way of making ends meet. Fiona finds a mode out after Debbie'due south friends help with the car past giving her tips to collect coin from the damage past saying information technology was stolen. She meets with Lip and tells him she is putting upwardly the apartment on lease and Max comes for money. He offers to buy the flat edifice later on telling her that doing so will maintain her credit and she accepts the offer. Fiona leaves the building but her dog is left behind in the procedure. With some of her problems resolved, Fiona gets boozer and buys nutrient to throw a party as she has decided to move dorsum in the Gallagher Household. Debbie arrives and takes Fiona to Patsy'south and reveals she had some friends help in getting revenge on Ford. At the end, Fiona sees Ford hung from a sign with his pants around his legs. Ford begs for help to get down and Fiona shoots a paint gun at his rear end and takes amusement from the act, thanking her family for giving her the chance. Getting more drunkard in her backyard, Fiona expresses joy at existence dwelling house while her brothers lookout man on.

Two weeks after her break-upward with Ford, she falls into a drunk slump and constantly drank or lazed around the house. She is later taken dwelling while passed out by Kev and V, while her siblings worry.

In The Apple tree Doesn't Fall Far From The Alibi, Fiona finds her father passed out on the floor and takes his drinks. Before long she wastes the money her family unit has for bills on alcohol and continues her actions. She gets her arm cast removed and about argues with Debbie who has taken control of the house in her absence. Fiona likewise meets Ford again and when he asks for his tools, she lies and orders him out.

During BOOOOOOOOOOOONE!, Fiona also has terrible scenes at piece of work where she is the object of concern only she casts them aside. She after learns Frank and Ingrid are expecting kids, she insults his impending failures and labels her own fault as "broke with anger issues".

Very shortly in Los Diablos, this led to business concern from her siblings who took over for her in running the firm as Fiona was no longer capable. Fiona'due south mannerisms hit a major low, as she lost her job, almost got kicked out past Lip, and assaulted a woman for harassing Liam.

In You'll Know Bottom When You Hit It, she is angry when Lip has gathered her items and is fulfilling his promise. Subsequently Frank offers her a bargain, she decides to work with him in surviving the blackout. Father and daughter's plan was successful even though Frank told her to cease drinking because of her uncontrollable nature. At the cease, she woke up in her onetime apartment building passed out next to her father and realized she was nearly similar him, which acquired her to revaluate her standing by attending AA meetings with Lip.

During Lost, Fiona connected meetings and makes progress every bit well every bit apology with her onetime coworkers. She reconciles with Lip and learns he is going to be a begetter and is surprised by this. Fiona too tends to her injured father and learns from him that her erstwhile apartment building was destroyed. She also takes him to the infirmary and beingness past his side until he receives assistance. For her assail, she meets with her attorney and learns that the charges may be dropped because of the prejudice from the woman and because of Liam's race. She is told to go a job and works at a gas station as cashier. She bumps into Max who tells her that her one-time investment has finally gone through. Fiona hits a break when Max offers to buy her out of her $100,000 investment rather than making Fiona wait vi months to a year for information technology to pay out, giving Fiona a gamble to put her life dorsum on track.

During Constitute, Fiona is left pondering on what to do with the money before she wakes upwards and goes for coffee. She watches Carl and Debbie become out for unknown reasons earlier she is annoyed by her father's whining and exasperated that he volition heal in 3 to half-dozen months. She after tells Lip and Debbie of this every bit well as her assault existence reduced to a misdemeanor. At the statement of her attorney, she decides that she has to brand a fresh kickoff. She visits Ian in prison and she tells him of her plans to go out and begin anew, something he supports. When preparing to leave, she is met by Debbie who found Liam and tells Lip that Fiona is leaving. Lip asks most this and Fiona tells him that she has to branch out now that everyone is grown up. He understands and she entrusts their family in his hands simply she asks that she stay for a party to say goodbye. Fiona agrees but knows she can't stay since she would turn dorsum. She leaves a notation on the fridge and shared i final moment with Frank who noticed that she was skipping the political party. Frank sends his caretaker away and took the time to express his gratitude to his daughter for caring for the family unit, as she took information technology in footstep since she always wanted this praised and smiled equally she saw him nearly in tears and knew this was his mode of wishing her well and said bye to her father. Fiona took one terminal look at the house and set out by taking a train to the airport. She told another passenger it was her starting time time flying too and sat downwardly as she prepared for her new path. Debbie later discovered Fiona left 50 chiliad for the family, with a note telling them that she loved them. The family likewise threw a political party for her anyway. Ian besides noticed her airplane and smiled as he silently wished her well.

Flavour x

During We Few, We Lucky Few, We Band of Gallaghers!, it has been vi months since she left and Fiona calls her family to bank check in only nobody answers the phone. Yet, Fiona is updated most her new nephew Freddie Gallagher by Debbie.

Episode Appearances

Shameless (Us)

Season ane

  • Pilot
  • Frank the Plank
  • Aunt Ginger
  • Casey Casden
  • Three Boys
  • Killer Carl
  • Frank Gallagher: Loving Married man, Devoted Male parent
  • It's Fourth dimension to Kill the Turtle
  • But at Last Came a Knock
  • Nana Gallagher Had an Affair
  • Daddyz Girl
  • Father Frank, Full of Grace

Season 2

  • Summer
  • Summer Loving
  • I'll Light a Candle for You Every 24-hour interval
  • A Beautiful Mess
  • Male parent's Twenty-four hours
  • Can I Have a Female parent
  • A Canteen of Jean Nate
  • Parenthood
  • Hurricane Monica
  • A Great Cause
  • Just Like the Pilgrims Intended
  • Fiona Interrupted

Season 3

  • El Gran Cañón
  • The American Dream
  • May I Trim Your Hedges?
  • The Helpful Gallaghers
  • The Sins of My Caretaker
  • Cascading Failures
  • Long Way From Home
  • Where At that place's a Will
  • Frank the Plumber
  • Civil Wrongs
  • Order Room Service
  • Survival of the Fittest

Season four

  • Simple Pleasures
  • My Oldest Girl
  • Similar Father, Like Girl
  • Strangers on a Train
  • There's the Rub
  • Iron City
  • A Jailbird, Invalid, Martyr, Cutter, Retard, And Parasitic Twin
  • Hope Springs Paternal
  • The Legend of Bonnie & Carl
  • Liver, I Hardly Know Her
  • Emily
  • Lazarus

Season 5

  • Milk of the Gods
  • I'm the Liver
  • The 2 Lisas
  • A Dark to Remem- Look, What?
  • Rite of Passage
  • Crazy Dear
  • Tell Me You lot F**king Need Me
  • Uncle Carl
  • Carl's First Sentencing
  • Due south Side Rules
  • Drugs Really
  • Love Songs (In the Fundamental of Gallagher)

Season 6

  • I Merely Miss Her When I'chiliad Breathing
  • #Ballgame Rules
  • The F Word
  • Going In one case, Going Twice
  • Refugees
  • NSFW
  • Pimp'southward Paradise
  • Exist a Practiced Male child. Come up For Grandma.
  • A Yurt of I's Own
  • Paradise Lost
  • Sleep No More than
  • Familia Supra Gallegorious Omina!

Season 7

  • Hiraeth
  • Swipe, Fuck, Leave
  • Home Sweetness Homeless Shelter
  • I Am a Storm
  • Ain Your Shit
  • The Defenestration of Frank
  • Yous'll Never Ever Get a Chicken in Your Whole Entire Life
  • You Sold Me the Laundromat, Recall?
  • Ouroboros
  • Ride or Die
  • Happily Ever Later on
  • Requiem For a Slut

Season viii

  • We Become What We... Frank!
  • Where'due south My Meth?
  • God Bless Her Rotting Soul
  • Fuck Paying It Forrard
  • The (Mis)Education of Liam Fergus Beircheart Gallagher
  • Icarus Fell and Rusty Ate Him
  • Occupy Fiona
  • Frank'southward Northern Southern Express
  • The Fugees
  • Church of Gay Jesus
  • A Gallagher Pedicure
  • Sleepwalking

Season ix

  • Are You In that location Shim? Information technology'south me, Ian
  • Mo White!
  • Weirdo Gallagher Vortex
  • Do Right, Vote White
  • Black Haired Ginger
  • Face It, You're Gorgeous
  • Down Like the Titanic
  • The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Excuse
  • Los Diablos
  • The Hobo Games
  • Yous'll Know Bottom When Yous Hit It
  • Lost
  • Found

Backside the Scenes

  • Emmy Rossum has said that playing Fiona has "brought out her ballsier side," and she can also relate to Fiona'south demand to take care of everyone. Emmy Rossum too likes that she does non have to exist "all glam" on the prove Shameless.
  • Emmy Rossum has too said "I love her fierce loyalty to her family unit. I love the extremities of the situations that this family is in and the outrageous stuff that they let u.s.a. do. We're lucky enough to be on a network that encourages that. I loved the opportunity to work with Pecker [William.H.Macy]. I love that the character shows such duality. She'south then strong, but has this vulnerability underneath. I thought she was very much a modernistic woman."
  • John Wells revealed that both the product and Emmy Rossum wanted to bring Fiona dorsum for the Shameless finale, but due to complications with filming the series during the COVID-19 pandemic and working around her schedule with the required quarantine menses, it simply did non work out.[1]




  • She would have graduated and earned a scholarship from track, but dropped out to intendance for her family.
  • She is one of the few Gallagher children to call Frank "Dad".
  • She is Frank's 2nd daughter, due to him having a daughter earlier her.
  • According to her, she wished for Frank'south death for her altogether.
  • She is one of the iv Gallagher children to marry, the others beingness: Carl Gallagher, Samantha Slott and Ian Gallagher.
  • Forth with her sisters (Debbie and Samantha) and brothers (Carl and Lip), she had a child though she had an abortion.
  • She mentions in Flavor one that she never flew on a aeroplane, though accomplishes this goal in her terminal appearance.
  • Every bit mentioned past Debbie and Lip in Flavour 9, she "goes Fiona on people" whenever she decides to help her siblings. Fiona constantly says that's not a thing just is told otherwise.
  • She never met her nephew Freddie Gallagher simply she was enlightened of his birth.
  • She also never met her Unnamed nieces and nephews but was aware of them, though heard they were half-siblings.


  1. Interview with John Wells explaining why Fiona is not in the finale


Source: https://shameless.fandom.com/wiki/Fiona_Gallagher_(US)

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