How to Draw a Cool Ninja Step by Step

Create a wonderful Cartoon Ninja cartoon with easy, step-by-step instructions and video tutorial. Great for kids and beginner artists!

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 20

Complete Cartoon Ninja cartoon

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Ninjas were spies and warriors during the feudal era of Japan, possibly dating back every bit far equally the 12th century. Modern popular culture has adopted the ninja archetype as a symbol of stealth, force, and wisdom.

Ninja drawing characters are both common and popular in Japanese anime and manga. Outside of their native land, ninjas take appeared in cartoons and comic books such every bit the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Spider-man's villain, the White Ninja. Ninjas take also made appearances in the series Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius and Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.

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Would y'all similar to draw your very own cartoon ninja? At present you tin can, by post-obit this easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial. All you volition need is a pencil and a slice of newspaper. You may also want to use an eraser to correct any mistakes, and colored pencils, crayons, markers, or paints to shade your finished picture.

As you follow the steps in this elementary drawing guide, you will observe that each step features both text and an analogy. In each moving-picture show, lines drawn in previous steps are shown in black, while lines to exist added in the current step are highlighted in blue. Some steps will require you to erase lines drawn in previous steps.

If you lot liked this tutorial, come across also the following drawing guides: Naruto, Monster, and Cartoon Princess.

Piece of cake, step past pace Cartoon Ninja drawing tutorial

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Step-past-Step Instructions for Drawing a Ninja

How to Draw a Cartoon Ninja: Featured Image

Cartoon Ninja drawing - step ane

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 1

Brainstorm by cartoon a curved line. Beneath this line, draw a second curved line, connected to the first simply before the ends. This will form the ninja's confront.

Drawing Ninja cartoon - step 2

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 2

Depict another, longer curved line just to a higher place the first. This will grade the acme of the ninja's caput.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - stride three

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 3

Connect the previous line to the first using short, curved lines.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - pace 4

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 4

Draw some other curved line across the bottom of the effigy. This forms the bottom half of the ninja'southward disguise.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - step 5

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 5

Using curved lines, enclose a curved rectangle shape beneath the head. This will class the ninja'southward body.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - pace 6

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 6

Draw a curved line below the body. This will class the ninja'due south belt.

Drawing Ninja drawing - step vii

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 7

Draw the legs using a series of curved lines. The legs will extend outward from the trunk in opposite directions.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - step eight

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 8

Extend a set of parallel, curved lines from the bottom of each leg.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - pace nine

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 9

Below the parallel lines, describe the shoes. Each shoe consists of a series of curved lines. The bottom of the shoe should be relatively flat, with a rounded, overlapping curve on top of the toe.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - step 10

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 10

Draw a curved line across the bottom of each shoe to point the sole. Add item to the top of the shoe by drawing a small rectangle.

Cartoon Ninja cartoon - step 11

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 11

Extend ii curved lines from the shoulder to form the arm. Connect the lines using a short, curved line.

Cartoon Ninja cartoon - footstep 12

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 12

Extend a curved line from the opposite shoulder.

Cartoon Ninja cartoon - pace 13

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 13

Extend 2 short lines from the commencement arm, connecting them with a curved line. Extend the second arm using a curved line, forming the elbow. Draw another curved line to indicate the end of the sleeve, and extend two short lines equally on the first arm.

Cartoon Ninja cartoon - footstep fourteen

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 14

Describe the hands. Use long, curved lines and short, "U" shaped lines to describe the pointing hand. To depict the fist, outline the back of the paw with a long, curved line, and utilise overlapping "U" shaped lines to form the fingers.

Cartoon Ninja cartoon - footstep 15

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 15

To draw the eyes, begin with two large teardrop shapes. Within each teardrop, describe a circle. Describe curved shapes to a higher place the eyes to grade eyebrows. Draw a curved line to indicate the olfactory organ, and brusque lines to add detail under the eyes.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - footstep 16

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 16

Draw the ninja'south swords strapped to his back. Draw parallel lines extending diagonally from each shoulder, and connect them using a brusque, curved line. Extend three straight, parallel lines diagonally from the each side of the lower dorsum as well. Join them using short, direct lines that run into in a point to form the blade of the sword.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - stride 17

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 17

Draw brusque, curved lines across the handles of the swords.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - footstep eighteen

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 18

Add detail to the ninja's shirt. Draw parallel lines from the neck, downward across the stomach. Connect the lines using short lines that come across in a betoken. And then, draw an "10" pattern between the parallel lines.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - step 19

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 19

Shade the pupils of the eyes, leaving a small circle unshaded. Add the detail of fabric to the ninja'due south disguise using long, slightly curved lines.

Cartoon Ninja drawing - step 20

How to draw a cartoon ninja Step: 20

Colour your ninja.

Printable Drawing Tutorial


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